Recap One.png

Oh man, week one of my style challenge is complete. (Not sure what my challenge is about? Click here.) Technically we’re 8 days in because I started last Friday. I don’t have a crazy amount of thoughts about these first 8 days. I will say that I’m starting to get into a rhythm of picking out outfits which is awesome. And Tyler and I have gotten pretty good at snapping a few photos on the way to work which is great too because taking selfies in the mirror is hard.


  • Posing is hard, but Tyler suggested I practice, so that’s what I’m doing. It makes sense that he would suggest this… he is an animator….it’s his job, haha. Anyways, so I literally stand in front of a mirror and figure out how to pose. Tyler said if I can understand how my body feels within a pose, then there is a greater chance that I’ll be able to easily pose during photos. I’m not super keen on spending a lot of time taking photos, so if I can get better at posing then we’ll be faster at photos.

  • I’m really loving that I get a photo of each outfit I wear. I hadn’t thought about this before, but seeing each outfit helps me determine if I really love the items that I’m wearing and if I really love the different pieces together. It also helps me to mentally put together different outfits that I think will work better together in the future. I feel like I’m learning what is most flattering on my body and what’s not.

  • I knew this about myself before, but seeing each outfit confirms it… I definitely lean towards a more athletic style, which I really like and I want to learn more into that. As this challenge continues I really want to learn how to mix my athletic style with a rustic style… if that makes sense. Day 8 outfit was close. So was day 2 outfit. Both of which were two of my favorite outfits.

  • I used to wear jewelry, but haven’t in a long time. I’m going to try to incorporate this into my future outfits.



This was the morning after we moved and I was picking out clothes from my suitcase… and a pile of clothes on the floor. This is something I do often… find whatever and put it on. If I’m honest, I’m not in love with this outfit, at least not compared to other outfits within this first week.



This was one of my favorite outfits for the whole week. It definitely leans into the athletic style I love and I managed to do a little accessorizing, thanks to Tyler. This outfit hits all the marks for me, super comfortable and cute.

*it was a challenge to find my exact utility jacket and leggings, but found some great dupes!



I wasn’t actually sure what I wanted to wear this day, but I knew I wanted to be warm. We walk to church everyday Sunday and I wanted a top that was warm enough with my vest that I wouldn’t need a heavier coat. This Prana top is super warm, but I’m not in love with the cuffed bottom and sleeves. I’m sure the top is designed this way to keep you warm, and in that case, it’s perfect, but I’m not in love with how it lays. I think it may be styled better with leggings and no vest.

*I couldn’t find my exact Prana sweater, but I found two more that I like even more!



This was another one of my favorite outfits. It really wasn’t warm enough for shorts on this day, but I was inside anyways and I knew if I was going to be out, I would change. I did check in with our apartment manager, so that counts. If you’ve been hanging out here long enough you know how much I love shorts, I want to wear shorts every day of the year and I’m happy to wear them with any type of shoes and any type of top, haha.

*My shorts are from Plato’s Closet, but I found these super cute ones from Amazon.



This is what Tyler would call a classic Sam outfit. Workout gear from head to toe. This is actually the first time I paired these items together… (that I recall) and I love this outfit. Again, it’s more on the athletic side, which is why I like it, haha.



This is another classic outfit I wear. Athletic clothes are always my base and I really love how this long hoodie paired with my green jacket.



I don’t actually have a lot of thoughts about this outfit. This is what I normally wear when I think I should wear something other than workout clothes, haha. I will say this top is super soft and comfy and I really love the length… I could probably wear it with workout leggings… and I probably will.



This turned out being another outfit that I really loved. I had never paired these items together, but it’s right along the lines of athletic meets rustic and I’m here for it! This Prana top is super cute and has great texture, which you can’t really tell in the photo. I love how it lays, contrary to the other Prana top from day 3.

*Couldn’t find my exact Prana top but found two more really cute ones.

That’s a wrap for this week’s challenge recap. See you next week!


