Meet the Family

This Christmas when Tyler and I traveled home, my mom asked if we could do a family photo shoot. I'm always on board to do a photo shoot so I chatted with my friend Caitlin and we made it happen. Usually my mom requests family photo shoots when a big life event is about to occur. In this occasion the big life event is my brother going into the Army. He leaves for basic training on April 1st and then he'll go directly into Officer School.
My brother is one of my favorite people. I'm his biggest fan and I am so proud of him for making this decision. Let's be honest, I was a little freaked out. But I know he is going to do awesome! My brother is one of the greatest people. He is encouraging, patient, kindhearted, open minded, generous, and has never said one bad thing about anyone.
One of my favorite things about my brother is that I know he just wants to see me smile ... At least that's what I think. This is my favorite photo of us.
My mom is a beauty and we are freakishly linked. We talk every single day... unless I'm traveling, then it's a little more sporadic. The very first time people see my mom and I together they usually don't think we look alike. But then I tell them that my brother looks a lot like my dad and I look more like my mom and then they see us all together and it makes more sense.
P.S. We took these photos on a super cold morning. I kept joking with my brother that he was so cold because he has 0% body fat. That's not actually true, but I like to crack those kind of jokes because he is awesome at staying fit. Also, a big thank you to Caitlin for bearing the cold with us! You are awesome and I love you! - Samantha

A Little Black Dress


A Mid-West Christmas