Whew, we have finally finished moving into our tiny house. This past weekend our Ubox arrived and we now have the remainder of our belongings, which was really exciting, but I also got a little overwhelmed. Stuff is just overwhelming to me, I'm just not a fan of stuff. So today, you get a peek inside the madness of our tiny house full of boxes, ha!

The first day our things arrived stuff was everywhere and I was sure we had too much and that we were going to be living among boxes for the next year... that was the dramatic side of my brain talking... because it's now Thursday and things are much better and it's turns out we didn't have too much stuff. It probably helped that we had 4+ boxes full of stuff to donate in the end.

Have you guys been wondering why we chose a tiny house?

I think I touched on it a bit when I shared my

tiny house mood board,

but I thought I would give ya'll the run down.


: One of the greatest factors in choosing our tiny house was timing


We only had two weeks to find something and even though I contacted tons of places there were only four places we looked at. Out of the four places we looked at our tiny house was the best of the four.


: Tyler and I just spent the last three years living in the "city" or in "town" and we had had our fill. We wanted something that was away from the hustle and bustle of the city, with lots of trees and lots of quiet. We also wanted to find something close to Tyler's work. For our first year here I didn't really want Tyler to have to commute to work and I wanted to be close until we really learned the area.


: Tyler and I have a good amount of student loans and we're not talking about the average amount of student loans, we're talking about mortgage size student loans. Our goal is to live small so we can take care of our student loans and our tiny house fit the bill.


: Overall our tiny house has lots of appeal.  It's been recently renovated, so it's nice and new inside. It also has lots of storage, something too look for in a tiny house. It has lovely wood floors and the bathroom is super nice. Our tiny house also has a nice front yard and side yard with a brick patio and fire pit. All good things, if you ask me. And all things we weren't able to have living in the city.

Living in a tiny house and choosing to live small is an adventure. One we are excited to experience. Our tiny house isn't our forever home, but it's something we can experience now before we have kids. We knew that living small would really teach us something and we would come out on the other side with a great experience. xoxo. Samantha


