Blogging & Business Samantha Kakac Blogging & Business Samantha Kakac


5 Ways to make waiting easier, trust in Jesus

This season has been a season of waiting, a season that has been teaching us contentment. Friends, contentment in the waiting is tough. It's especially tough when you believe whole heartily that Jesus has something for you. When He has given you peace that something is coming and all you can do is wait.

I believe that Jesus has used this summer to mold us and work on our hearts. I felt as if he sent me through the ringer this summer and through that prepared me for whatever he has for us next. Earlier this summer I decided to look for work. I felt like it was a good time to return and I started praying about it and looking for what positions might be good for me. Close to the end of the summer I sat writing in my prayer journal. I was a little confused and wasn't sure what step I should take next. In that moment I felt Jesus speak to my heart, "wait, I have something for you."  This wasn't the answer I thought I would get, but it put me in a place that wrapped me up in Jesus. A place where I would need to find contentment in His timing.

5 Ways to make waiting easier, trust in Jesus

This journey of contentment in the waiting has been hard. I keep wondering how long, how long will it be. What is it that you have for us?  There are days where doubt creeps in and lies flood my mind. "You fool, why are you waiting? Nothing, will come from this."  Those days I feel like I'm fighting a battle, those days I cling to Jesus. The whole world could think I'm foolish, but my trust in Jesus is greater. The whole world could think that waiting on the impossible is worthless, but my trust in Jesus is greater. I've had plenty of people look at me with criticism in their eyes. They think we're silly, they think we shouldn't take those risks. It's those risks that keeps us dependent on Jesus. It's those risks that Jesus wants from us.

5 Ways to make waiting easier, trust in Jesus


1.) PRAY : Pray all the time and every day. When the waiting feels like it's to much, give it to Jesus. When you feel foolish pray for Jesus to wrap himself around you. When your angry about the waiting, tell Jesus about it. He can handle it and He will walk you through it.

2.) READ : Fill your mind with Jesus' promises. He will come through in the waiting, He will not fail. I have found comfort and peace so many days simply spending time reading my Bible. His words flood into my heart and mind and wrap me in His presence.

3.) COMMUNITY : Share your journey with your friends. I've called friends randomly, sent text messages and chatted with friends daily about our season of waiting. They pray for us all the time, they sending me encouraging snail mail and they make my day brighter everyday.

4.) FUN : Lots and lots of fun! Take advantage of the waiting. You're not going anywhere so have fun! Do things you've always wanted to do, try different projects, have a dance party, sing in the car, and have lots of fun!

5.) REFOCUS : It's so easy to spend all your time wondering when the waiting will be over. Refocus your thoughts on what's happening now.  Whatever your currently doing or working on refocus on that. "Wherever you are, be all there."

5 Ways to make waiting easier, trust in Jesus

Are you in a season of waiting? I would love to pray and encourage you through this time of waiting. We can find contentment in the waiting, we just need to stay focused on Jesus. xo. Samantha

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Blogging & Business Samantha Kakac Blogging & Business Samantha Kakac


I have learned over time that I love encouraging people in their dreams. I love supporting them and I love being able to love them through their dreaming. This is a passion that Jesus continues to shape in me and I think it is something that he taught me through Tyler.

When Tyler decided to pursue animation and go to an entertainment school I knew that he needed lots of support and encouragement. This wasn't a week or two of support. This was years and years of support and encouragement. I have learned that it fills me with joy to learn the hopes and dreams of others and to do my best to encourage, love, and support them.


1.) Listen : There is something that is so amazing that happens we we sit and listen. We all need that. We need to be able to talk about our dreams, share our goals, and talk through our thoughts. Listening provides great support to someone because when they share with you, you help to carry their load.

2.) Speak Truth : Jesus instills dreams in our hearts and it's through him that our dreams are made possible. When we share our dreams it's so important to wrap them in Jesus's truth. When other's need encouragement it's Jesus' promises that will lift them up. When things feel impossible it's Jesus who provides peace to know he will provide. Be that vessel to speak truth.

3.) Speak Love : The words we use and the tone we use to communicate and encourage others is so important. All things can be said in love, even the hard things. Speaking love wraps someone up and Jesus uses that love to help propel them forward and provide affirmation.

4.) Make Time : I have watched Tyler and I both spend time with others that have encouraged us in our dreams. Something that has become really important to Tyler and I are are skype dates and Google Hangouts.

BethMeg, and I hangout once a month. We catch up, chat about our goals and dreams and encourage each other in our pursuits. Tyler meets up with his college buddies through skype and I have encouraged them to start meeting once a month. They chat about their goals and spend time encouraging each other. It is one of my favorite things.

5.) Be Gracious : Sharing our goals and dreams puts us in a really vulnerable place. Letting people into those parts of our lives also means allowing them to see the outcome and the outcome isn't always successful. Be gracious when other share their dreams with you. Be gracious when someone feels like they have not been successful. Help to pick them up and encourage them forward.

Something that has become really fun for me is encouraging others by sending fun notes. There is something really thoughtful and encouraging about getting a hand written note. How do you support the dreams of others?

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Blogging & Business Samantha Kakac Blogging & Business Samantha Kakac


Something that has been really fun for me and challenging at the same time is learning what I'm really passionate about. As I continue to blog and grow Jesus continues to teach and shape me. When Elah Tree began I started with fabric accessories. I started from the beginning; learning how to make different zip pouches and experimenting with different fabric combinations. 

This spring I was feeling uninspired and every time I went to make items for my shop I was feeling bogged down and zapped of energy. Creating should energize and inspire me so I began to evaluate the items I was making and I began to brainstorm different directions my shop could go.  I learned that I enjoyed sewing as a hobby and I much preferred the freedom to experiment. I knew continuing with handmade fabric accessories would not be a good fit for me.

Once I determined what wasn't working for me, I had to figure out what would work for me or at least what I wanted to give a try. I thought about lots of different items, I thought about what I liked doing, and I spent a lot of time talking with Jesus about it. After lots of deliberation I finally decided which direction the shop would go. I had found new inspiration in designing organizational worksheets.


1.) Evaluate : Determine what is working and what is not working. Ask yourself if something is holding you back. Question whether or not something you are working on would be better suited as a hobby.

2.) Research : You may not know what your passionate about right away. Do research; look at blogs you like, why do you like them? Who are your favorite instagramers? What is it about what they are doing that you enjoy. Create a mood board. You will begin to see a pattern.

3.) Pray : I would not be where I am today except for the constant guidance of Jesus. I don't even believe I would be inspired and driven without him revealing the dreams he has given me. Spend time talking with Jesus about your passions, ask him about the dreams in your heart and allow him to continue to shape those dreams.

4.) Deliberate : You've evaluated your current situation, you've researched what you may love doing, you've given it to to Jesus. Now, determine what that will all look like. Does it mean you will open a shop? Will you start crafting something with your hands? Will you take your blog to the next level? Chart out a plan of action.

5.) Act : This is the fun part and the scariest part. You've taken the time to evaluate your passions and know you need to put them to action. This is all about taking one step at a time. It's not about having it all figured it. All you need to do is act and it can be small. Do you need to buy a domain name? Do you need to open an Etsy account. Start small and dream big.

Finding your vision and passion is incredibly exciting and encouraging.  Being able to pin point your vision and passion will propel you forward. It will give you direction and it will encourage you to continue to shape it into something more. Remember that things won't happen over night and remember not to put a limit on what you are passionate about. As you grow so will your passions. Be open to those new passions that arise. It took me a long to time to reallyunderstand the things I was passionate about and it wasn't necessarily things that were tangible. I'm really passionate about encouraging others and finding was to inspire and help them in their journey. I had to figure out a way to turn that into something tangible and I trust Jesus to continue to reveal new passions to me.

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Blogging & Business Samantha Kakac Blogging & Business Samantha Kakac


I waited and waited for BlogLife to be launched. I remember when AMB announced they would be releasing a new blogging course and I knew I wanted to give it a go. Tyler is always encouraging me to continue to educate myself in the craft I am passionate about and I have been wanting to take every opportunity to continue to sharpen this craft of blogging. The day that it was released Tyler came home and I told him it was available. I loved his reaction. He wouldn't let me do anything else until I made the purchase. He is my number one biggest fan and he wanted to make sure I took advantage of this opportunity.

After purchasing Bloglife, BethMeg, and I decided we would go through the course together which made going through the course extra fun. During our first Google hangout we shared our thoughts on the chapters we had been through and shared our hopes and dreams for our blogs. I love the relationship that Beth, Meg, and I have together. I love that we are able to continue to encourage each other and share ideas as we pursue this blogging adventure.


Let's be honest, it's really hard for me not to be bias in this review, because I'm a huge fan of ABM and I have been reading and following along for years. I even visited Red Velvet when it was open. Overall, I thought the e-course was great and well worth the price. I really appreciate the fact that it came in a pdf version because now I can go back and use it as a constant resource. I think they did a great job of including content that was great for both new bloggers and seasoned bloggers. The first view sections were geared toward new bloggers, however I still felt encouraged and inspired by those first view sections and I used it as an opportunity to really evaluate my blogging foundations and better shape my content, vision, and purpose. 

I was most encouraged by their personal stories. They shared stories of failure, success, and many learning experiences. Often times we read blogs, but stories of failure aren't always shared. Both Emma and Elsie were open about many of their struggles and what they learned from them. I remember reading through those sections and breathing a sigh of relief. Not even the ladies of ABM have it figured out all the time. Which, I know that no one does, but reading their stories was refreshing and gave hope to this dream seeker.

When I purchased BlogLife and skimmed through the sections I was most looking forward to learning about marketing, ad programs and campaigns. Trey does a great job of covering these sections, but I will definitely need to re-read them many times. These sections are very business oriented and they were a little tough for me to get my mind around. Trey breaks everything down so it's easy to follow, it's just a subject that I don't take to easily.

All in all, if you're thinking about taking BlogLife I think it's totally worth it. I think it's a great resource to have and I think it also serves as a great opportunity to refresh your blog and refocus if you're feeling a little lost or uninspired. Are you going through BlogLife currently? What are your thoughts?

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